Raptodon - SD516RALU Drillbit

For detailed specifications and technical information, download the product brochure.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this product, please contact us:


Phone: +1 (713) 972-6518

Address: 2901 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77042

Raptodon - SD516RALU Drillbit

RAPTODON drill bits are custom designed and equipped with application specific cutters to maximize efficiency while drilling high-plasticity shale and claystone formation.

8 1/2’’ 215.9 mm

Tool #: T11705

IADC Code: S222

Operating Parameters

  • Rotary Speed : For all rotary and motor applications
  • Flowrate Min-Max : 400 - 700 gpm (25 - 44 L/s)
  • Max Weight On Bit : 34000 lbs (150 kN)
  • Makeup Torque : 16500 - 19500 Ft-Lbs (22371 - 26438 Nm)
  • Operating parameters shown are typical for the bit type specified. For recommendations on your specific applica-tion, contact your CNPC USA representative.

      feature and Benefits

      • R - Raptodon are optimized geometry cutters to build up ROP and durability in though applications.
      • A - Cutters engineered to last on abrasive applications
      • L - Diamond inserts limit drill bit vibration and increase stability.
      • U - The Updrill feature allows hole wall cleaning as you upream the wellbore eliminating problems developed during hole wall sloughing, key seating, and severe dog legs.


      Cutter Size (mm) Total Cutter Count Nozzle 1 Qty/Type OFV Ratio Junk Slot Area (inch²/cm²) Gage Pad Length (inch) Connection Shank Diameter (inch) Make Up Length (inch)
      16dia 13length 31 3 / Series65 59.8% 18.8/121.3 2 4-1/2" API REG 5.75 8.5
      Cutter Back Up (mm) Face Cutter Count Nozzle 2 Qty/Type
      None 24 4 / Series 55
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